Thursday, June 07, 2007

Throwing cards again

It's been a long time. I've found myself throwing cards yesterday and today. It never seems to cease to amaze me at how accurate the readings are. Yesterday's was all about changes and following a new path. The final card was the six of swords. It's all about a journey and patterns--old ones ending and new ones beginning. The entire reading filled me with peace and hope. The affirmation associated is "I open myself to different pespectives about my life; I ride in the boat of inner faith."
Today's was all about the fact that I can be horribly judgemental of myself and way too harsh. My final card was that of The Fool. The Fool is at the beginning of his journey. He knows no bounds or limits and travels lightheartedly. I look at this as being the journey of my life that is about to begin following getting the house in order. I believe that will be a freeing experience. The affirmation of The Fool is "I feel the boundless Divine Energy flowing through me. I enthusiastically walk my path in life."
My Goddess card of the day is Eagle Woman. "Eagle Woman is a joyful affirmation of our ability to break out of the millennia-old stereotypes and find a new definition that embraces the entire continuum of being alive. She teaches that women can express the qualities of the eagle while continuing to contain and nurture." The message I am embracing is that I have the strength to break free of the habits and situations that keep me where I find myself. I can soar above it and find the freedom I am looking for, for myself.

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