Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Life leading the way

It's been awhile since I've blogged...to long. There are many things that have gotten lost over the last 2 months. It all started with a trip to IKEA and the purchase of the new deep Billy bookcases with some doors. That purchase led to a general reorganization of everything scrappy and kitchen-y (my scrap space is also my kitchen). It didn't stop there. That reorganization has spilled over into other areas in my home.
On top of the get organized kick, I got sick -- almost a stinking month ago. The virus that won't give up and keeps morphing to other areas of my body. Of course, that was the stuff that made up my facebook statuses when the laryngitis kicked in. I use my voice for a living--can't counsel people without it. I took for granted the communication that is possible with a voice. The whole laryngitis thing produced some funnies though. My husband dubbed me "The Queen of Quiet." The cemetery plot salesman couldn't get off of my front porch fast enough when he figured out that I had laryngitis. And then there was the shot glass issue....I know what on earth does a shot glass have to do with laryngitis. Well, it goes like this: I sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was fed up with medications causing side effects without seeing any evidence that good was happening. From the depths of my mind (a scarey place I know) I dredged up the memory of my grandfather pulling a bottle of ginger brandy from the back of the pantry and pouring us a shot when we had any kind of throat ailment. Off to the liquor store I went. I got home with my remedy and searched the house. There was not a single shot glass to be found--I mean, come on, really? not one?  I just kind of winged it and guessed. I kid you not, after 4 days of no voice, terrible throat pain, doctor visit, medication, I took one shot of ginger brandy and a nap. I woke up with a voice and little throat pain! I think I need to scrap this--LOL There's something that doesn't seem right about doing a page about alcohol, but I'm gonna!
On another subject, school starts soon. My little one will be in first grade. How did that happen? This beginning of a school year lends itself to fit right into the organization theme of my life.

1 comment:

Lisa-Jane said...

LOL! I think you should totally scrap a layout about alcohol!